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DIY Fabric Card Wallet Tutorial

DIY Fabric Card Wallet Tutorial

Anyway back to this easy Fabric ticket wallet make.

You will need: fabric (roughly 46cm by 11cm), matching thread, scissors, tape measure, sewing machine (or you could hand stitch), an iron and pins (optional).

DIY Fabric Card Wallet Tutorial

DIY Fabric Card Wallet Tutorial

DIY Fabric Card Wallet Tutorial

Firstly cut out your fabric, the key is to try and cut as straight as possible, you could use a ruler here if you like or make a template piece out of paper first if you like.

DIY Fabric Card Wallet Tutorial

Fold the fabric in half with right sides together and sew with a straight stitch (about 4cm seam allowance) all around the 3 sides that are open, making sure you leave a gap at some stage to pull it through.  

I chose the short end to keep open just a little and so I sewed up and around the corner, stopping and then restarting to go back around the corner and down the other long edge.

DIY Fabric Card Wallet Tutorial

Trim all the loose threads and cut off the corners of the fabric at the points.  This means when you pull the fabric through the corners will come to a point neatly.  

I usually use the end of a paintbrush to make corners come to a point.  Make sure it is neat and then iron the whole piece, including where the open end is.

DIY Fabric Card Wallet Tutorial

Sew along the two short edges to ensure it keeps nice and flat, this also closes up your open end where you pulled the fabric through. I chose to use a 3mm seam allowance for any topstitching so it gave a nice neat small edge.

DIY Fabric Card Wallet Tutorial

Fold over the two short edges to make your pockets for tickets, you can pin them in place if it's easier.  I chose to do this as I wanted to pattern match the edges to the fabric underneath.  

Sew all along the two long edges to make your pockets using the same 3mm seam allowance.

DIY Fabric Card Wallet Tutorial

Then you are all done, you can use these for tickets or even all those loyalty cards to keep them all together.  

You could also scale this up to make a passport cover for those going further afield to have a nice matching set.

DIY Fabric Card Wallet Tutorial

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