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Sewing Machine Bag Tutorial

Sewing Machine Bag Tutorial

Make a useful sewing machine bag in a fabric t hat suits your decor.

Sewing machine bags tend to be black or navy and a bit dull, so why not make  your own in a fabric you like? I used quite heavy woven cotton in two patterns, and canvas as thick as I could sew through. The size will fi t a standard size sewing machine with a bit of room to spare, but you could adapt the measurements for a larger machine. I used foam board for the base which is sturdy enough but can be cut through.

See free-tutorial.net for the full Tutorial and Pattern.

Sewing Machine Bag Tutorial

Handy hint
If you don’t want the zip to open all the way, then place a spot of glue at the point where you want it to stop.


Sewing Machine Bag Tutorial

Sewing Machine Bag Tutorial

Go to free-tutorial.net to view the tutorial.

Sewing Machine Bag Tutorial

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