Let me introduce you to "Backpack"...Dora the Explorer's little friend who apparently is magic and can hold anything and everything. :)
Backpack carries Map in one pocket and Stars in the other. In this photo you can see the star pocket on the right, and Map's pocket on the left. I included elastic on the top sides to keep the bag drawn in, yet you can still stretch it out to fit more items.
3 felt stars in the star pocket.
Here's a closeup of the elastic sides. I REALLY wanted the elastic sides, instead of having to sew a PERMANANT dart...
Yay me!! I figured out the elastic!
I explain how to create your own pattern for the Dora Backpack
The following is a photograph of my original pattern. The left side is the top of the bag, right side bottom, and the top of the pattern is actually the height of the backpack. You'll need a brown paper bag, long piece of copy paper, anything to accommodate these dimensions. Use the edge of your paper as your fold line. On the left side, make a mark 4 1/2" away from the fold line and make a mark. Draw a straight line from the fold to the mark.
From that line, measure 12" down the fold line and make a mark. From that mark, measure away from the fold 5 1/2" and make a mark. Draw a line connecting these two marks. Now draw a line connecting your top 4 1/2" line to the bottom 5 1/2" line. Now you can use a cup or a bowl...or simply freehand a nice curve at the BOTTOM corner. Do NOT curve the top corner. And that is all there is to it.
Materials: ½ yd purple fleece, ½ yd lining fabric, 1 yd fusible interfacing, thread, 10” of ½” wide elastic, red felt, black felt, white felt, 4-6 buttons to match
Cut from purple fleece:
2 strap pieces 1 1/2”x6”
2 strap pieces 1 1/2”x12”
1 flap 9"x7"
1 side piece 4 1/2” x 35”
2 pattern pieces
1 map pocket piece 5”x7”
1 star pocket piece
Cut from lining fabric:
2 strap pieces 1 1/2”x6”
2 strap pieces 1 1/2”x 12”
1 flap piece 9"x7"
2 pattern pieces
1 side piece 4 ½”x 35”
1 map pocket piece 5”x7”
Cut from interfacing:
2 pattern pieces
1 side piece
1 flap piece 9"x7"
1 map pocket piece
2 strap pieces 1 1/2”x6”
2 strap pieces 1 1/2”x12”
The dimensions I used for the pattern piece was 9" across the top and 11" across the widest part of the bottom. After the holidays, I will include in this tutorial the pattern that I created to make this bag.
Step 2. Attach Interfacing per manufacturer's directions to the corresponding lining pieces.
Step 3. Cut a mouth from the red felt, 2 eyes from the white felt, and 2 pupils from the black felt. Sew in place using a medium width satin stitch. (satin stitch is a zigzag stitch that is VERY close together)
Step 4. Assemble the lining of the bag. Fold the sides piece in half to get a crease. Fold one lining pattern piece in half near the bottom to get a crease. Match up these creases and pin the side to the pattern piece all the way around. There will be about an inch and a half left over on both sides. This is the casing for the elastic. Sew all the way around attaching side to lining piece. Repeat for the second lining pattern piece. When you do this on the other side, be sure to leave a hole at the bottom for turning the bag near the end!!
Step 5. Create the casing for elastic: Fold the extra fabric on either side over and pin in place. The tops of the sides and pattern pieces should now all be equal. Sew along the raw edge/bottom edge of the casing. Cut a 5" piece of elastic and feed through the casing.
As you see in the above left photo, there is a tab of elastic sticking out. Pin that down near the bottom of the casing. (You need as much space at the top of the casing as possible). Sew in place. Pull the other end of the elastic taught to your desired stretchable length and sew this piece in place at the bottom of the case: right along the seam you just created. Repeat this for your other side/casing. Set aside for later.
Step 5. Creating Map's Pocket: Using your lining and outside 5x7 pieces of fabric... These pieces should be up and down: cut out a 1" square from the corner of each bottom as in the top left photo below. Sew all the way around leaving a hole for turning at the top. DO NOT SEW THE CUT CORNERS CLOSED YET. At each corner, pull the fabric apart--smooshing them together to create a flat line as you see in the top right photo below. Sew in place. Trim excess seam allowances. Turn pocket right side out and use your scissors to poke out the corners. Topstitch the top of the pocket sealing up the hole. At the bottom of the pocket, tuck the lining into the fleece creating a 'cup' of sorts. Pin pocket to your choice of outside fabric sides and sew in place.
Step 6: Create the star pocket: I found a star template online that I liked. Make it the size you want on your screen by pasting it into Word and stretching it. Then I simply traced it with a piece of paper while it was on my screen. Sew the bottom half of the star to the other side of the outside of the bag.
Step 6: Assemble the flap: Lay your flap pieces right sides together. You can either fold them in half and free hand cut a semi circle or you can use a bowl as a template. Sew along the sides and the curve. If you choose to add closure of some sort, do it BEFORE you sew the flap pieces together. I did NOT add a closure because my daughter is 2.
Step 7. Assemble the straps: Gather your strap pieces. Lay a corresponding size fleece and lining strap piece right sides together. Sew up the length, across the short end, then back down the length again. Turn right side out using your scissors. Repeat for all 3 other straps. Top stich all four straps.
Step 8. Assemble the outside of Backpack: Pin the long straps to the bottom RIGHT side of the back piece, about 2 inches in from each corner. Baste stitch them in place.
Follow Step 4 for assembling the lining of the bag only you will assemble the outside of the bag. This would be the side strip and the front and back.
Pin the short handles to the top directly above the long handles. Lay the flap over top of the short handles right sides together and pin them all in place. Be sure the raw edges are together. Baste stitch these down as well. (It helps! I promise!)
Place the outside of the bag inside the lining of the bag. Right sides together! Line up the seams. You will have to stretch the elastic to align the seams corretly. Pin in place. Sew all the way around the bag using a 3/8" seam allowance. When you get to the elastic, be sure you do NOT sew into the elastic and stretch it as you go.
Reach into the bag and pull the whole thing out through the hole you left in the lining. It will look something like the bottom right picture.
Tuck the lining inside the bag body. Pin along the edge of the bag pulling the fabrics down and away from each other. You are going to topstitch and you want a clean line to work with. Topstitch all around the top using a 1" seam allowance. Here is where your elastic casing is completed! Make sure your seam allowance is large enough that you are not catching the elastic.
When you do get to the elastic, once again as I am doing in the photos, stretch the elastic and sew. When you let the elastic go after you've sewn past it, it will pull the outside of the bag taught along with it...creating your complete casing! I am so proud of myself! I can't believe I figured that part out!!
Pull the lining back out and sew up the hole. You are almost done...
To make the straps adjustable, I put a button hole at the top of each long/bottom strap. Then I attached 3 buttons a piece on the short straps. In choosing to use fleece, I felt that it would be too thick to try to put those handles through the normal slider hardware. I went this route and I really think it's cute for a little girl.
Find a model and show that sucker off!
For the stars, I simply used the same star template, but smaller, and cut three simple felt stars.
For Map, I am going to use a Dora Map I found online, print it onto an iron on sheet of paper and iron it to a white piece of fabric. I will then attach that fabric to a piece of white felt. On the back of the felt will be Map's face...so when you roll it up, my girl will see Map sticking out of her Backpack!
**Special Note**
This bag fit my 4 year old well in the middle button notch. However, my 4 year old is quite small for her age. So, I think it will work great for my 2 year old and give her a little room to grow.
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